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The San Rafael's Annual Fund and Parent Teacher Association (PTA) are two very important organizations that help make San Rafael a shining star in the Pasadena Unified School District. Each organization plays a vital role and has differences in the way funds are raised and invested.

Our Annual Fund supports our Pandas by providing them with a full-time Physical Education Teacher, Project Aides to assist during physical education classes, donations towards 5th Grade Science Camp, and much, much more.

Our PTA is the heart and soul of our school. They organize fun and engaging events to help enhance our Panda Community and they provide much-needed support to every teacher and staff member at San Rafael.

  • Primary function is to provide programming; not primarily a fundraising organization
  • Programs need to benefit every child at the school
  • Each PTA is required to comply with State and unit PTA Bylaws; unit overseen by an annually elected board
  • Fundraising efforts are tied to programs PTA is to provide for that school year
  • Money from fundraising efforts are intended to be spent that school year.
  • Annual Fundraising Efforts
    1. Community Building Events
    2. Assemblies/Field Trips
    3. Classroom and School Wide Supplies
    4. Staff Appreciation
  • PTA strongly encourages carry-over not exceed 40-50% of budget
  • Funds are held at Pasadena Educational Foundation, a 501(c)3, which is governed by a Board of Directors (any checks written to PEF on behalf of the San Rafael Annual Fund MUST specify San Rafael Annual Fund on the memo line!)
  • Funding projects are approved by an Annual Fund committee and managed by the school Principal
  • Multi-Year Fundraising Efforts
    Capital improvements
    2. Personnel (e.g. Physical Education Teacher, Project Aides, Art Teacher, Music Teacher, etc.)
    3. Teacher Staff Development
    4. Enrichment and Support Programs